Places we visit
May 19, 2022 7:01 PM
Mini Sessions for Families!Family memories at kinder-based pricing!Minis are short sessions back-to-back - we're good at working with kids and getting grumpy adults to smile in no time too!Years of experience as photographers and parents have taught us time is of the essence, but we also take images in a way that doesn't feel speedy or rushed, we just know the tricks to get memories faster, and it's fun.A bit like speed-dating with your own family, but you already know them and then there's proo.....
May 9, 2022 7:15 PM
Over the past decade we've done a lot of work for a lot of kinders and childcare centres. Sometimes we photograph children for parents, sometimes we photograph promotional images for centres and sometimes we do both!We are really easy to get along with and our rates are friendly.If we can ever chip in, we can and will!We work at our relationships and pride ourselves on equitable and ongoing business - the type that sees both parties thrive, grow, just like the children we encourage and nurture.....
February 11, 2019 1:26 PM
Otherwise known as: What Areas do you Service?Once, there were photographers, whotravelled from Middle Parkto Mordialloc and MulgraveWhen, they thought about itThey realisedthey also went to Mont Albert, Malvern and MelbourneThey couldn't quite explain it*They'd always just gone thereMmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm* Well, actually we can explain it, we don't like to over-extend ourselves. We like being Little Big and we like to always be within 30minutes of all our lovely kinders and centres so we.....
January 26, 2019 1:28 PM
We Take Fun Seriously ( or Seriously Photograph Fun! )Your children - laughing, playing naturally, in a variety of naturally posed and candid shots, on site at your kindergarten, pre-school or early learning centre.Projected, Reflected, Captured ForeverWe meet a lot of children; however there's none quite like yours. With over a decade of working with small children, we understand some children are slower to warm than others, that some are shy, or have special needs, or only play with one truck, ......
January 9, 2019 12:47 AM
TESTIMONIALS Little Big Adventures have been so lucky to have accumulated over 400 emails of joy over the past 4 years. We work hard to make beautiful photos and memories for you, but it's late nights, long hours and hard slog and so your messages of love make all the effort so so worth it. Thankyou so much - when we're running on pure adrenaline, this is what sustains us x Elwood Thanks for taking such gorgeous photos of my son! He looks so photogenic in each and every photo that im finding.....

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