Group | Class Photos


Group Photos are time consuming and tricky to compile, and require many checks and balances.
Therefore are produced last, when we go to print for your kinder or centre.  This is so we don't hold up your individual galleries.

Some trust is required when ordering but we find our group photos are very well received and loved.
It is hard work getting approximately 30 children looking at the camera, smiling and not picking their noses
or being under or over-excited.  We're very proud of our group photo prowess!

Group | Class Photo at Your Sessional Kindergarten

Group Photo Taken Outdoors

Our preference is for an outdoor image of your class. 

We find a space in your yard that is picturesque and can accomodate your group size in lovely natural lighting. 

A group photo is taken for each class, during a normal session.


Group Photo Taken Indoors

Melbourne is awesome - four seasons in one day means there's usually a pocket to get outside and play .. but if not, we can also take your group/class photo indoors.

Unless requested otherwise, every child is included in the sessional group photo that is in attendance on the day. 


Group | Class Photo at Your Childcare or ELC Centre

Composite Photo Created from Individual Images

At long daycare, many children attend over many days.
Some children might only attend a single day, while some attend 3-5 days. 

Because of this and the sheer volume of children to co-ordinate in a week, as well as staff, siblings, meals etc .. it is impossible to get all children to participate in daily group photos and quite stressful on educators.

For this reason, composite group shots are created.


Registered Children Only

If you are not registered for photos, then your child will not be
included in the group composite.


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