Kinder's back, tell a friend ....
Wow, what a start to 2020.. or a mis-start I should say.
Two terms of postponed kinders to make up in Term 3 & 4. Wow.
So how is everyone feeling? I hope you are all well and happy.
We've been homeschooling and keeping up to date with health updates and listening to health authorities.
We purchased a new temperature gun ( the one I had came with a kit with my babies and didn't feel very accurate anymore )
and have a "sanitation station" at the entrance to Little Big Adventures HQ.
We also ensured our immunisations were up to date, and that our camera kits always contains sanitiser and wipes.
course, we're always been ultra cautious in our job. If we are sick,
we cannot work, so it is in our best interest to always follow good hand
hygiene and stay well.
For us, and your little people, and our educators.
It's just the right thing to do.
- Registration
We've been asking parents to register for years to help organise the week, but now it's more important than ever.
allows us to keep the photographer-child ratios at a perfect balance,
and ensures we are not overspending time on site when not required.
- Long Lenses.
Did you know the majority of our photography is taken from a distance of 2 metres away?
even those close-up gorgeous portraits! We're not up in your child's
face, we're a safe distance away and STILL getting gorgeous smiles.
Pretty good hey?
This is how we avoid deer-in-the-spotlight intrusions on fun, and are able to capture great moments,
but also how we avoid someone sneezing right in our eye ( yes, this happens )
- Hand Sanitiser/Hand Washing.
is a brilliant place for teaching little children the basics of hygiene
and there are always bountiful sanitiser, prompts and calls to action.
We also carry our own supplies and follow best practice. Your
children wont get sick from us, and hopefully, we wont get sick from
your children.
- Illness
don't come to work unwell. As a community, kinder photographers are a
tight bunch and willing to help each other out wherever possible.
We would rather hire in a "competitor" to work with us rather than spread germs or risk of infection.
As a small business, there is no paid leave, and our success, and our employment, relies on our health.
- Boogers
We ask for children to be clean faced but I don't wipe noses, and I don't make my staff wipe noses either.
It's not our job, and we need to stay healthy to work another day.
With cameras right up close to our faces, we don't want any cross-contamination.
We make no apologies for this, but we do our best to ensure faces are clean before we even see them.
We are working in interesting times, but you can rest assured, if you have registered, or plan to register for photos of your child this year at your childcare or kindergarten, that we take the health of ourselves and others seriously, and we re-assess and communicate with our centres individually and take all concerns and modifications seriously and in our stride.
Thankyou, and cheers. Let's make the rest of 2020 a happy year!