"Little Big" is not only the initials of the principal photographer,
but is also a nod to the Little Big characters we get to meet on
a daily basis, and the Adventures we have together as we take
some beautiful images and make kinder memories.
To paraphrase Shakespeare:
"and though they be but little, they are fierce"
Never mess with a pre-schooler..
.. they knock us out of the playground
with their self-assured personalities, ideas and ability to do all the
things at once, now.
They can tell you about the fate of the
Orangutans, or why cutting
is better than pasting any day.
They love to talk
about their families, and pets, and will share their honest opinion
about anything that comes to mind.
They are funny and silly and serious and adorable.
They are your children.

Lead Photographer
Head Honcho
All the Admin In the World
Leanne loves art and words and cats
and her home & garden.
She is really good at making fart noises.
Despite no interest in sport whatsoever,
she is surprised to find herself
a passionate basketball mum.
When not photographing your kids
or working, she can be seen in her car,
or at the courts, ferrying and scoring, cheering and strapping dodgy knees.
She always has 100 things on the go.
Big Kid, Big Laughs
Playground Professional
With a background in childcare
and a large extended family,
is great with kids.
When not at kinder, she loves to use
her camera to tell stories of families,
and show the precious moments
of connection with her work.
Megan also enjoys creating beautiful
keepsake films for the
she works with.
Light Seeker
Monkeybar Maestro
Merissa loves a big leafy yard
Kid Gossip, and taking great images.
She seems to always know someone
that lives or used to live
"right around the corner from here"
A kinder mum herself, she knows all
the hot kinder topics of the day.
Children love her.
Merissa also photographs families
* More *
* Coming Soon *
Jenny is new to the team
A Family photographer for many years,
It's lovely to have her on site
Jenny also photographs families on the weekends.